Genova, Italy: Eni vehicle burned


Received 05/08/2019

We attack only for ourselves, to make and redo an intimate experience of the rejection of this world.The meaning and the consistency of our lives emerge only in these few seconds” [1].

The main reason that drives us to get involved, in first person, without letting our backs to the wall from the fear of possible repressive consequences, is the awareness that we are not free. Even if outside the walls of a disgusting prison, we live in a world realistically comparable to an open-air prison. The chains that we wear are partly accepted as normal necessities, from the most physiological needs are perceived as equal, if not even more indispensable, see the use of computers, smartphones, means of transport… These chains are imposed on us from above of what turns out to be more and more similar to Orwell’s “big brother”. Those who govern know very well that they have done considerable work in terms of mass distractions, induced needs and artfully confused to ensure that even the oppressed aim to be oppressors, identifying the enemy in those who are on the bottom step.
The State knows that, despite everything, there will always be individuals who will not accept their delirium of omnipotence, who will not be able to help but feel the weight of the chains and consequently will organize themselves to destroy them.

So it was done with an Eni car.
Eni is the company with the highest turnover in Italy and plays a fundamental role in the world economy for the export of gas and oil. He secures his proceeds by staining the blood of thousands of civilians, actively collaborates with the Libyan militias who protect his oil wells, the same ones that run camps where rapes, torture and killings are practiced every day.
As is also the case in Italy, Faisal Hossai, a 32-year-old Bengali boy, died in early July inside the Cpr [prison for migrants and people without documents] lager of Turin.
Attacking Eni means attacking the Italian State and its economic interests.

Our prerogative is to attack structures, means and whoever feeds and defend repression, doing it in the informality, enjoying moments of joy that are indispensable to get out of the resignation of everyday life.
There are many ways to attack them, we work with imagination and cunning.

Death to the oppressors!
Long live the black international!

Fire to lager, Cpr and prisons!

Solidarity to all anarchist prisoners.

[1]. Note of Quote taken from “Burning Equipment and Reflections Against Those Who Make Use of It” [“Incendie de matériels et réflexions contre celleux qui s’en servent“].