Zaimi 11 squat–Polymorphous Action Space of Anarchists was attacked by unknown persons with two Molotov cocktails
n the early hours of Tuesday, February 16th 2016, at around 04:40am, the squatted Polymorphous Action Space of Anarchists Zaimi 11 was attacked by unknown persons with two Molotov cocktails, one of which burst against the front door and the other in the front part of the yard. No material damages were caused, because the fire was promptly quenched by individuals who were present in the squat at the time and reacted immediately.
Attacks that seek to silence squats do not scare us and will not stay unanswered.
We are at war with all kinds of snitches and cannibals.
Individualities from the Polymorphous Action Space of Anarchists Zaimi 11
[translated by Contra Info]