Switzerland: Anarchist Comrade of the Anarchist Library Fermento Update


3 Months of pretrial detention are now imposed on our comrade, with the following explanation: risk of flight and danger of collusion. Now he is in the district prison of Zurich BGZ. The risk of flight is being used as an argument because, among other things, another comrade is still on the run for the story of the radio station Waidberg.

The imposition of 3 months of pretrial detention is the highest application unit, every three months pretrial detention has to be confirmed by law anew by a custodial judge. For the comrades that aren’t familiar with the Swiss pretrial detention regime: in Switzerland it is common practice that pretrial detention has a quite long duration, sometimes even years. It is quite possible that they want to hold our comrade in prison till an eventual trial.

If you want to write our arrested comrade, contact the anarchist library Fermento either directly, per email or post. However, letters that are about his case will be held back by the state prosecutor and not be handed out to him by the prison, the same goes usually for books and large publications.


Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento
Zweierstrasse 42
8005 Zürich
bibliothek-fermento [ät] riseup.net

via actforfree.nostate.net