Brazil: Call for solidarity to the 23 activists sentenced in Rio de Janeiro


From Cruz Negra Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro:

“August 14th, international day of support for the 23 activists sentenced in Rio de Janeiro, in defense of the right to protest, for all who fight”

We call on all social movements, popular and revolutionary organizations, trade unions, student movements, human rights groups, progressive intellectuals and other sectors of civil society to organize simultaneous actions in this great day of solidarity and struggle against the criminalization of social movements and in defense of the right to protest.

Suggestions for action:

– Street demonstrations at Brazilian embassies or consulates in the countries (if possible, delivery of memoranda repudiating political persecution to the 23)
-Debates, lectures against the criminalization of the struggle in university and schools.
– Hanging of posters to support the 23 on walls, lampposts and other public places.
– Displaying of banners supporting the 23 at working, studying or housing places.
– Taking photographs of people holding posters and posting them on social networks to support the 23 and all who fight.

We suggest that each country or city bring, together with the agenda of the 23, the debates regarding the criminalization of those who fight in their localities! We have examples of arrests and political persecutions in all parts of the world, the most recent example being of young Palestinian Ahed Tamimi who for six months has shown an example of bravery and not succumbing to a prison sentence

Each and every support action is welcome!
Let’s show that the 23 are not alone!
This attack represents an attack on everyone fighting in different parts
of the world! Our struggle is a classist and internationalist struggle!
Register your support actions! We will be posting throughout the day manifestations from different locations! Send your photo or video to: [email protected]

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