Mexico: Public Statement from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) Mexico


Against all power and its multiple “worlds”, for the reconstitution of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) Mexico.

-A public response to the vomit-inducing anarcho-populist manifesto.

“We must remember our past experiences, not to imitate them but to go much further” -Imprisoned compañerxs of the CCF-Greece

Sometimes it is convenient to allow time to process the facts. It has been 20 days since the anarcho-chairmen of Mexico issued their “manifesto” of support for Peje* (Translation note: nickname of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President-elect of the Mexican State), inspired by the supposed ‘opportunity’ for the anarcho-communists “to push the Morenista (Translation note: A term used to describe opportunism, betrayal and lack of political ideology) project to the left” and made public its list of the “30 personalities committed to popular sovereignty” elected to form the national coordination of a “Popular Class Front”.

We expected to have read or heard some critiques of this text from various libertarian positions, however time has passed and a complicit silence has accompanied the manifesto.

The signatories of the text writing under the pseudonym “Some Organized Libertarians” shamelessly call to build Popular Power from below and towards the left via the electoral route to later implant the “Libertarian Communism in the noses of the Empire”.

Certainly, there are few “libertarian” groups that have publicly affirmed such a euphoric anarcho-populist discourse and such a cynical defense of neo-platformist principles and their popular-power formula. However, there is not a single “organized anarchism” publication in Mexico that has not alluded to the fatigue of the “People” and their defense, in the same way that they claim to be “from below and to the left” with singular joy. So it is not surprising that this opportunistic discourse has supposed “anarchist” promoters and defenders.

Apparently either this proposal has not had a great impact among the other anarcho-chair groups or they have decided to remain “on the sidelines” until “things set” and thus avoid “steps without sandals”. But we are clear about their pretensions.

This “manifesto” is now the second text of the anarcho-populists and again, they republish a misdiagnosis claiming the death of the informalists and “inoperative insurrectionists” in Mexico.

We are very pleased to give you the bad news that the anarchic informal trend in Mexico is in very good health and that your erroneous conclusions do not conform to reality. Just becuase some groups of anarchic affinity have decided to dissolve or stop claiming their actions this does not represent “the death” of informalism in Mexico or “the retirement” of the anarchic war. And just to prove we have had enough: we announce the reformation of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) Mexico.

We have been participating in an international debate regarding organizational alternatives and the dilemna of protest, in response to the ongoing discussion between compañero Cospito and the imprisoned compañerxs of the CCF-Greece, as well as the contributions to the new illegalism from the compañeros Pombo Da Silva, Rodriguez and Argyrou.

We fully agree with Cospito that the creation of an “autonomous anarchist movement” or an “autonomist anarchist pole for the organization of the anarchist guerrilla” or an “International Anarchist Federation”, is a step backwards in the development of the new illegalism and the informalist tendency. A return to the past, to the age of the schemes that put us at risk of returning to a specific organization of classical synthesis, an ancient instrument, a rusty scalpel. We agree with Cospito that forming a structured organization through the creation of assemblies would inevitably lead to the creation of specific organizations, thus distorting the object of informality, deviating from the objectives we have set for ourselves.

That is why in this second generation of the CCF we do not assume as an affinity group, or as a new cell, coordination throughout the Mexican territory (as the compañerxs that preceded us did) or as a federation, but as a weapon, a methodology of praxis, a pseudonym under which to operate, even for those compañerxs totally alien to any organization or coordination, a medium that can be used by any anarchist or affinity group that aspires to destruction here and now.

The resurgence of this proposal is limited to being a call to all informalists, to individulaists, to anarcho-nihilists and to new insurrectionists to intensify the anarchic war against all authority with this comprehensive slogan. Let us claim all our actions under this growing Conspiracy, thus creating new paths of permanent conflict, separated from unifying, ideological and stinking politics.

Unlike the anarcho-chairmen, we do not call for voting, but instead for conscious insurrectional abstaining. We don’t care about your fucking electoral circus, we recognize that all candidates contesting it are all useless (maybe some more populist than others), but although one made some difference, we will not be captivated by siren songs. We do not care about your reforms, your transformations or your revolutions for a better world. We fight against the system of domination, against all authority and against all power, even if it is labelled popular. We fight for destruction here and now, we fight for total liberation. We who remain, our war continues,

For the anarchic informalist tendency!

For the Black International!

For Anarchy!

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire-Mexico (without surnames)

