Philadelphia, USA: Attack on Construction Vehicle in Solidarity with the ZAD and Camp White Pine

A bulldozer is only wanted after it has been destroyed…

Dear international anarchist thugs, illegalists, casseurs, and defenders of wildness,

we are reporting live from Philadelphia. An attack has just been made, throwing a wrench in the cogs of the machinery of progress… well more literally some wires were cut and windows smashed on one of their bullshit bulldozers.

We have word that this attack was done in solidarity with the ZAD and Camp White Pine (hi!) both of which are facing their own local bullshit bulldozers. The attackers have also sent rebel greetings to area anarchists who’ve been keeping it live (and especially those who share the specifics of their attacks to allow others to reproduce them).

Fuck work
Fuck progress

Signing off for now,
Team Illegal

Contra Info note: Sunoco workers cut down trees used by Camp White Pine in their ongoing resistance to construction of the Mariner East 2 pipeline (Pennsylvania, USA).
