Argentina/Wallmapu: The Argentine State Agrees to Extradite Mapuche Comunero Facundo Jones Huala

Insidentes en lectura la sentencia por la extradiccion a Chile de Facundo Jones Huala. San Carlos de Bariloche Rio Negro 05/03/2018 Foto: Mario Quinteros

On March 5th, 2018, the Argentine justice decided again on the life of the Mapuche Comunero Facundo Jones Huala.

The court in Bariloche accepted the extradition of Facundo to Chile, to face charges for an arson attack against the PisuPisue farm in the vicinity of Valdivia during 2013.

The compañero Facundo Jones Huala, incarcerated in Esquel Prison, refused to attend the video conference for the judicial decision. Outside the Barloche court, comrades in solidarity rioted and clashed with the forces of repression.

Against the Chilean and Argentine States: International Solidarity!

(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)
