Porto Alegre, Brazil: The World Is Our Country



The joke of bad taste that is the movement “O Sul é Meu País” (The South is My Country) has realized another supposed “popular consultation” (of which only the separatists actually participated) in some cities of the states that compose their dream of a new country.

Today we dropped a banner from a bridge on a busy avenue of Porto Alegre with the words “O Mundo é Meu País!” (The World is My Country!). We want to remind all people that no country, new or old, will solve our problems or give us the freedom we want! On the contrary, more borders further restrict people’s freedom. Especially in a country based on regionalism and Eurocentric notions.

Separatists argue that is not possible to identify what in fact unites people born in Brasil. We can only agree. But that’s because all nations are abstractions! Borders are nothing more than arbitrary separations, based on superficial or invented similarities that ignore the original people, such as the Guarani people who inhabit the not only the region of three states, but also other parts of Brasil as well as Paraguay and Argentina. Nations are born motivated by forced migration, genocides and ethnic cleansing. A nation, however small, is an abstraction that serve us nothing. And in this case, even worse, because it is racist when it is based on a European ancestry.

These newly invented borders allow us to paint as an enemy whoever is on the other side of the line, and thus control us all even more (and send us to pointless wars). In the case of the movement “O Sul é Meu País” (The South is My Country) this enemy is created by positioning the southern states as exploited by the northern states. They go so far as to say that the southern states are like a colony separate from the rest of the country. This myopic view generates a scapegoat and obfuscates those who are really responsible for scarcity and crisis.

Capitalizing on the growing rejection of partisan politics, the movement balances on a tightrope by declaring itself non-partisan, seeking to appear neutral. Despite this, their leadership cannot hide their neoliberal and right-wing tendencies that are bordering on fascism. In fact, the independence of the south is even a part of the platform of neo-nazi movements.

Defenders of the separation of the three southern states say that “Brasíllia does not represent us”, but they want to replace it with another government that, like every government, is a tool to control and oppress the people. Yes, Brasíllia (capital of Brazil) does not represent us, but Piratini (capital of this new country) does not represent us either. No one represent us. We are ungovernable!

No more countries! For the end of ALL borders!

via insurrectionnewsworldwide.com