Vancouver, WA: Fascist Arrested After He Attempted Twice to Run Over #Antifa Protesters With His Truck


Vancouver, WA: Fascist Arrested After He Attempted Twice to Run Over #Antifa Protesters With His Truck

A fascist who attended at the fascist Patriot Prayer rally in Vancouver, Washington attempted twice to run over antifa counter protesters with his truck yesterday. The driver, Billy Wilson, was briefly detained, but later released without charges. Earlier there were skirmishes during a short fascist rally in Portland, Oregon.

In downtown Portland counter protesters gathered about 12:30pm the Portland Stands United Against Hate rally in Terry Schrunk Plaza near from City Hall. Fascists and counter protesters also gathered on Tom McCall Waterfront Park. The barricades fell down and the protests escalated. The cops deployed pepper spray and flashbang grenades. According to the cops, seven people were arrested and two cops were injured during the skirmishes at the park. The cops also said they stopped a vehicle whose occupant reportedly flashed a gun at antifa protesters, prompting an investigation. Last month KKK grand wizard Richard Preston even shot with live ammo at anti-fascist protesters in Charlottesville.

Kyle Broussard, a fascist Patriot Prayer member, told reporters his fairy tale of being a nonviolent activist again in Portland yesterday. Broussard regularly shows up to Gibson’s fascist events, claiming to want to “keep the peace.” However, he mixes it up with fascists, and then attacks anti-fascist activists.

As the afternoon progressed, many protesters left downtown Portland and headed to Vancouver, Washington. In Vancouver another fascist rally was scheduled. Cops from Portland also went to Vancouver to assist police forces that were already there.

After fascists killed Heather Heyer in Charlottesville last month with a car that drove into a crowd of anti-fascist protesers, a fascist attempted twice to run over ant-fascist protesters in Vancouver yesterday. Witnesses say the truck circled the block to confront the angry crowd again, after the first attempt failed to hit anti-fascist protesters.

The driver, Billy Wilson, was briefly detained but according to the cops Wilson was released again without charges.

After being released Wilson posted a video (WARNING Facebook link), posing with a US flag, saying he was not arrested.

On his Facebook profile, Wilson wrote that he works for 205 Auto Salvage, Inc. His profile pic shows the truck that he used to attack anti-fascist protesters in Vancouver yesterday (Image below).

Yesterdays attack was probably no coincedence. Leaked data after the murder on Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, showed that fascists discussed car attacks about a month before Heather was killed.
