Denouncing violence


From Céline Hequettranslation by MTL Counter-info

I was not at the counter-demonstration last Sunday in Québec City, but the media wave that followed it has made want to double-lock the doors and let copies of Le Devoir accumulate on the front steps until a winter storm takes them. By force.

In effect, on all platforms, politicians were quick to do their favourite thing, namely to denounce “violence”, a term deployed so often that we don’t know much about what it really even means. What violence? That of the police? Of those who throw things in the streets? Of those who think that some people deserve more than others to live in wealthy countries?

In the case of certain elected representatives, one even wonders if they hadn’t had their Facebook accounts hacked, or whether to see this all as a betrayal of the people who originally put them on the road to fame. We know what it takes to be politically correct; it is about the same thing as it takes to become the most annoying of career politicians. And it’s not like that we’re going to change Québec.

Yes, like others, I saw the images of the guy who the antifascist militants handled a bit roughly, while he affirmed to the camera that he was there to demonstrate with them. I recall that the individual reported other people to the police that he determined to have been insufficiently peaceful.

Was he truly a sympathizer for the counter-demonstration or did he, on the contrary, come precisely so he could undermine it? There is doubt. But it’s true, we should not strike at people without making sure beforehand that they are indeed Nazis.

I could criticize the far left militants. However, when I see the last 100 years of history in the West, I know who is to be found on the right side. And in 50 years, it isn’t three broken chairs and a bleeding nose that we recount to students, but two world wars and the death camps.

So no, when I am asked to denounced the violence of my comrades – of those who were able to see live the Nazi salute that, only on video, had the same effect on me as a punch to the stomach – I cannot accept it. I have the impression that I’m being asked to hit the finger that’s pointing at the fire.

The violence comes from those on the extreme right that, were they coherent with themselves, would self-deport to Europe. Y’all don’t have any more right to be here than anyone else, other than indigenous folks. Go back to where you come from, we don’t want ya anymore.

The violence comes from the members of La Meute who lick the boots of the SPVQ because they know very well that, in their neighbourhood, the cops are already doing the dirty job of profiling for them.

The violence comes from Jean-François Lisée who, plagiarizing Trump on Charlottesville, dared to tweet : «Manifs à Québec: la violence, les masques, c’est pas une façon de s’exprimer. Peu importe son opinion. Point final. #polqc» [Demos in Quebec: violence, masks, it’s not a form of expression. No matter your opinion. Period.”], as if there had been two equally wrong sides.

The violence from the cops who shoot tear gas at demonstrators at close range because they did not have enough with taking one of our friends’ eyes in 2012.

The violence comes from the terrorists who place bombs in mosques of people who live here.

The violence comes from Atalante, who want to see people return to live in countries where their lives are threatened.

So, responsibly, because I am familiar with the big issues hiding behind the media uproar and the sensational images, all I can say is: solidarity with the antifascists! And a warm welcome to the refugees.
