Mexico: New Letter from Anarchist Prisoner Fernando Bárcenas


Received with photo of letter on 18.07.17, translated by It’s Going Down:

July 16, 2017, North Prison

First of all, I want to point out that my situation has become complicated in recent months ever since I was taken to Zone 7 of the COC (Observation and Classification Center) as a form of punishment and repression for the protests and organizing that has happened inside the prison together with other compañeros who are prisoners here.

Since that time, September 28, 2016, I have been immersed in the suffocating dynamic of life in an area of punishment. I now have been in segregation for nine months for reasons of institutional security as conflicts have arisen due to my ideas and my way of being and acting. I identify this as a form of violence against me, as now that they can’t frontally attack me with their guards, they are now using other prisoners to intimidate and attack me. This is a common tactic in prison and has caused various clashes in the area where I am held. I hold the institution and its administrators responsible for whatever may happen to my physical and psychological well-being as they are the ones responsible for keeping me in this situation.

Fernando Bárcenas


Since Friday, July 14, Fernando Bárcenas has been completely confined to his cell by the institution while the harassment and violence against him by some prisoners linked to the administration has increased. We are making an urgent call to demand he be removed from the area of punishment due to the possible risk it poses to his life, and so that the compañero can feel our solidarity through various means. Please spread this information.

Here are the contacts for the prison (address, phone numbers, and the name of the warden) for those who wish to call, send faxes or go to the prison:

Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Norte

Calle Jaime Nuno no. 155

Colonia Guadalupe Chalma, Cuautepec Barrio Bajo
C.P. 07210, Gustavo A. Madero

Ciudad de México

Phone: 5306 4540 / 5306 2540

Warden: Enrique Serrano Flores

Spanish language text available on Contra Info

Enviamos un abrazo insurrecto a nuestrxs hermanos enjaulados en todo el mundo. Saludamos a Fernando Bárcenas, que combate en aislamiento en México
