Hamburg, Germany: NoG20 Autonomous Street Medics


Introduction and contact details of the autonomous street medics during the No G 20 protests in Hamburg.


we like to use the chance to introduce us. We will coordinate autonomously acting first-aid groups during the conference days of the G20 in Hamburg. There will be a telefon number you can call if you need non-bureaucratic help or information about, how you can help (yourself) in case of injuries.

We are part of the protests and the anti-repression structure. In other words, we are not working with the police or other governmental institutions.

If you have any further questions feel free to write us an e-mail. You can find our e-mail and our public PGP key on our Blog:

Otherwise keep on checking the blog, our phone number will be announced later there!

If you know about first-aid groups, joining the protest against g20, please let them know, that we would be very happy, when they contact us!

Please give all this information to other groups you stay in contact with.

Take Care! And see you soon!

Yours Autonome Sanikoordination G20 / Coordination of First-Aid Groups
