Santiago, Chile: Incendiary attack against a Transantiago bus [by Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla]


As we warned…We have returned

By means of this text we claim responsibility for the total destruction of the route 230 Transantiago bus in the commune of Puente Alto today (26.12.16) by means of a homemade incendiary device.

We already made a previous attempt on August 18 on the route 110 bus in the commune of Maipú, with uncertain results. This time we have learned from our mistakes and modified some operational details to ensure that our small sabotage was completely successful.

And so we have deprived a small link in the mercantile flow that transports the oppressed to slow down the sinister machinery of social production that makes the surplus wealth generated by entrepreneurs, managers and bosses via the temporary and compulsory exploitation of the exploited to feed their wealth through wage labor and the frenetic consumption that is present at this time.

We make our position clear that our targets have never been the poor or the marginalized either in the countryside or the city. Proof of this is that we chose a route that was practically empty, but which was ready to reach its destination quickly to reincorporate itself back into the flow of exploitation, consumption and misery with which this means of public transportation collaborates. Additionally, our device was designed so that even if there were still passengers inside it would generate enough noise to warn them of our inevitable and intentional arson. Along with these measures we also designed our plan to be carried out only in the event that there was indeed nobody near the initial point of deflagration, if this situation had not been the case we simply would not have proceeded.

And so we do not hesitate to say that we hit the pockets of those who do not know the precariousness of an economically difficult life, blocking the flow that represents Capital through this small but effective sabotage and remembering that in this month not everything is about money and consumerism and that there are still many reasons to fight.

We dedicate this action to the compañerxs Juan Flores Riquelme, Nataly Casanova Muñoz and Enrique Guzmán Amadeo, imprisoned for various placements of explosive devices and risking very high sentences. To sabotage the flow of goods from the southern zone is to a certain extent a nod of solidarity with the compañerxs, who lived in the vicinity of the commune in which we operate.

With this action we again want to send greetings to the indomitable comrades Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda and Juan Aliste Vega who are all imprisoned in the High Security Prison for the Security Case. We also send a fraternal embrace to Muñoz Delgado, Kevin Garrido and Joaquín Garcia, captives of the social war for feeding the revolutionary offensive in Chile.

We also send greetings to Natalia Collado (Tato) who is imprisoned for carrying out a sabotage similar to ours almost 2 years ago. Compañera, your convictions feed our dreams of insurrection!

We also want to take advantage of this small platform to remember that in a not so distant past there were compañerxs who went much further and did not limit themselves to sabotaging the mercantile flow but recovered it, expropriating some of the money used by bosses and heads of State / Capital to rob us of our lives. So in an exercise of combative memory we bring to the present Sergio Valdés, Ignacio Escobar Diaz and Enrique Torres, lautarinxs compañerxs who died while providing covering fire for the retreat of their squadron after an assault on a Santander bank on December 18, 1991 in the city of Coquimbo.

But it is not only the compañeros of politico-military apparatuses that generated these kinds of practices, so in affinity with our ideas we do not forget the anarchist Claudio Lavazza who is serving a harsh sentence after assaulting one of these centers of wealth accumulation, paradoxically, also on December 18 but in the year 1996.

Also, we cannot miss this opportunity to remember a brother of ours who was an active member of this group and who fell dead on the morning of the 11th of this month, 3 years ago under fire during an attempt to expropriate a bank in the commune of Pudahuel. Surely Sebastian Oversluij would have accompanied us in this new day of conspiracy had he not been murdered by a hit man of Capital. Some of these insurrectional flames were in your honor, making this small gesture a greeting of freedom to your memory.

With Persistence, Memory, Solidarity and Subversion we continue the war against Power!
Both yesterday and today, there are still reasons to fight!
To spread anti-boss hatred!
As long as there is memory there will be Rebellion!
¡Sebastián Oversluij Presente!

Michele Angiolillo Iconoclastic Circle
Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)
