Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF: Nemesis Project [An open proposal]


[An open proposal]

”He who speaks of war, must have a plan…”

The most insidious authority is the one that carries the promise of inclusiveness. This is why we transitioned from monarchy to democracy but not freedom. ”Safety” is a word favored by democracy. The more we hear about “safety”, the more our lives and freedom regress. Worst of all, contemporary power and democracy have elicited the compromise and submission of society almost voluntarily. Democracy operates as a transparent factory that produces social relations. People submit to governmental ideology, mainstream standards and disciplined behaviours and consider that what we experience today (the economic tyranny, the extortion of wage slavery, the dictatorship of the spectacle, the technological surveillance) are the inevitable natural world order.

But even in a pervasive authority, bosses, officials, managers and proprietors will always exist. Nowadays, the visibility of people in power is particularly clear. Politicians, businessmen, ship owners, publishers, journalists, judges and police officers are the persons in authority. The Nemesis Project aims to attack those persons. The Nemesis Project is our turn to make fear move into the backyard of the enemy.

Instead of attacking impersonal symbols of justice, we think that it is very important to transpose our hostilities to the personal environment of the enemy, their homes, offices, hangouts and vehicles. We know that to authority ”nobody is irreplaceable” but we also know that a personal hit against one of them would instill fear in another 100. We create a legacy of fear for their kind and whoever becomes their replacement. It is our own minimum counterweight in balancing the terror controlled by the enemy. In balancing the terror caused by the murders of workers by their bosses, the accidental shootings by cops, the thousands of years in prison sentenced by judges, the lies by journalists, the laws and the orders by politicians. In all of these cases, the enemy has a name and an address. Attacking them proves that people in authority are not invincible. At the same time, instead of confining anarchist insurrection in incidents of occasional conflict with cops, we can make revolution a permanent component of our daily lives by discovering those that hide behind orders and decisions which govern our lives, by studying their moves and routes and by organizing our own offensive cells which will respond to the challenges of authority. We do not anticipate a social short-circuit that will lead in mass mobilizations, but we become the accelerators of history through our actions, by creating the dilemma ”with authority or with freedom”. We create spaces and eras where history is written by our own hand and does not just happen. Anarchist urban guerilla is a way of looking life straight in the eye, in order to form an authentic collective ”we”. It is the construction of an anarchist process of liberation with courage, consistency and determination. Our actions are not evaluated in relation only to the blow against the enemy but also to the possibility of changing our own lives.

The Nemesis Project is an international proposal to create a list with the names of people in authority so that we can attack them where they feel safe, on the sidelines… at their own houses. The bomb explosion at the house of District Attorney G. Tsatani was the first attack, the first act of the Nemesis Project. We share this plan with all the FAI-IRF cells and all the anarchists of action across the world, wanting to start a dialogue on the diffusion of the anarchist struggle. And we know that the best dialogue for the assessment of an action can be no other than a new action…

Through the Nemesis Project we salute allour comrades that are held captive in the cells of democracy across the world and are no longer by our side. It is especially dedicated to the members of the CCF Olga Economidou, George Polydoros, GerasimosTsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, our anarchist comrade AngelikiSpyropoulou and the Italian comrades of FAI Alfredo Cospito και Nicola Gai.

To all those who did not burry the axe of war…

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF

We will return soon.