Chicago: Citibank smashed-up in solidarity with red warrior camp and #NoDAPL pipeline resisters



Yesterday, in the cover of night, we smashed out every window of a Citibank branch. Citibank is a key investor in the Dakota Access Pipeline, part of a sickly web of extractivist industry stretching across the entire Midwest, and whose expansion has of late happily encountered fierce resistance from indigenous and non-indigenous warriors determined to stomp out its poisonous impact on their lives.

We took this small and simple action to send a greeting to our friends, but also to our enemies.

To our friends burning heavy equipment, barricading roads, and lighting up Standing Rock’s night sky with the flames of their uncompromising resistance to the DAPL, we send you our love and solidarity.

To all DAPL-financiers, you may read this as a warning: disinvest in the pipeline now, or it will remain open season on your offices, homes, and projects.

Submitted anonymously to It’s Going Down