Zurich: Explosive attack against war profiteers Lafarge Holcim in solidarity with the Rojava revolution



Action against Lafarge Holcim

We visited Lafarge Holcim on Hagenholzstrasse in Zurich during the night of 19.09 and 20.09.2016 and surprised them with an explosive device!
Between Spring 2013 and Autumn 2014, the company Lafarge Holcim payed taxes to the so-called ‘Islamic State’ so that one of its cement plants in Jalabiya, near Manbij in Syria, could continue to operate.

The fact that the bourgeoisie made a pact with the most reactionary forces, in this case religious fundamentalists, in order to continue producing profitably comes as no surprise. It demonstrates their ruthlessness in the struggle for profit.

This action was only a side-show for the Schmidheiny family as the Holcim Group is just one of the many companies they own. However it is worth noting that the Schmidheinys have already demonstrated their brutality in the pursuit of profit during the production of asbestos in Italy. Workers became sick and died from working with absestos without the necessary protection because the work had to be done. A continuation of the ruthlessness the Schmidheiny family had already demonstrated in South Africa.

“The most advanced companies in the construction sector” was the pronouncement made during the announcement of the merger of Lafarge and Holcim in April, 2014. The hypocrisy shows when we now know that at this time they were funding IS in Syria. Of course once news of this support was published they claimed it was to secure the safety of their staff. This is only because if employees were killed by IS, no more profit could be generated. It should be clear that this was not about an evacuation of staff when you consider that these payments dragged on for over a year.

Only recently IS have been pushed back in this area by the military structures of the SDF. The comrades were often attacked by suicide bombers using converted vans and small trucks. How many of these ‘mobile bombs’ were ultimately financed by the Lafarge-Holcim group is unclear. We have carried out this small, symbolic explosive attack against their Zurich headquarters in return.

To support the Rojava perspective also means to support the fight against capital, especially the companies located here that directly support the reactionary forces over there.

The liberated and partially destroyed areas need to be rebuilt, political and economic structures must be created. Therefore the SDF are not just content with driving out the fundamentalists, but are also building new structures in the liberated areas. Military structures that arm and train the population , as well as political structures such as local and women’s councils that will need to be protected. IS needs to be defeated militarily but the reactionary ideology that it tries to spread in the territories it occupies by force must be combated as well. Academies need to be established where political education will play an important role.

In Rojava an important development in the revolutionary perspective is taking place. Let’s support them.

For a revolutionary perspective!

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

via insurrectionnewsworldwide.com