Insurrectionary greetings from Tijuana, México


Received on 23.07.16 & roughly translated into English:

In recent months we have carried out some actions

in early April, we painted graffiti in the Florido industrial park

We sabotaged four bank ATMs

These actions do not form part of a plan of struggle nor are they resolutions of an assembly, these actions are born from our desires and pleasure in attacking the symbols of capital.

Early one morning in June banners were placed in different parts of the city, the first banner was a small gesture of solidarity with the compas who are spreading the social war in Oaxaca, the second banner was for the purposes of spreading insurrectionary propaganda: “Our revenge will be an anarchist insurrection” and we also painted graffiti against authority.

Early one morning in July two banners were placed, the first with slogans weaving complicity and solidarity with the compas who are struggling against fascism and police authority in the United States, who in the past few months have been murdering people of African descent or anyboy that is not the personification of the nationalistic American individual. The second banner had a message of defiance against the authority of the police: “bullets, bombs, knives and fire against the police”.

During one of many months and so many dawns we decided to illuminate the night, unfortunately our gesture of solidarity with the prisoners Eric King, Fernando Barcenas, Miguel Angel Peralta; Francisco Solar and Monica Caballero as well as in solidarity with the eviction of Rigaer 94 squat in Germany was interrupted, as a consequence of this some comrades were detained however they were released without charges and have declared that despite the intimidation they will continue their actions.

Coordination of Insurrectionist Anarchist Individuals
