Letter by Jennifer Gann on the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Solidarity with FAI-IRF (USA)


To all Revolutionary prisoners and Anarchist comrades:
After my imprisonment in 1988 for armed robberies in California, I became politicized through participation in the 1991 Folsom Prison Hunger Strike. After more than a decade in solitary confinement in Pelican Bay SHU, where interacted with members of the Black Guerrila Family (BGF), Aryan Brotherhood (AB), and Mexican Mafia (EME), I had become deeply involved in political struggle with the prison abolition movement. I was convicted for Prisoner Resistance actions in two 1995 attacks on an Associate warden at New Folsom state prison and a Sacramento District Attorney prosecutor in the courthouse, I was beaten and tortured in multiple ‘cell extractions’ by armed teams of pigs. I was sentenced to multiple 25 years-to-life terms in state prison.

In 2006, I ‘came out’ as a trans woman and joined a Maoist Faction, in 2011 – I was participant in the California prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity action to abolish solitary confinement torture.

Now, I am an insurrectionist Amazon and want to express my general solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF), and FAI-IRF actions in Greece and throughout Europe. To all revolutionary political prisoners, a clenched Fist salute! We will tear down these prisons from the inside out. I support and encourage all armed actions and explosive attacks against the state and all pigs. I salute all my comrades and support Black December!

I stand against all the authority of the corrupt and oppressive state apparatus.

Long live the Amazons!
Down with prisons and patriarchy!

Much love to Nicola Gai, Panagiotis Argirou, and Nikos Romanos! Solidarity to anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar in Villabona Spain! And to comrade Gabriel Pomba Da Silva in Spain.

Long live Sylvia Rivera!
Remember the Dead,
Fight for the Living!
Long live Amazon Anarky!
Black (A) December!
Street TransActionRevolutionaries (STAR)
Fighting for Freedom! (FFF)
Against those who repress and torture us in these prisons!
Autonomous Anarchist Direct Attack!

Jennifer Gann, Amazon Queens!

(March 8 – International Womens Day!)

Loya Queen Revolutionaries (LQR), will always stand on loyalty to out International
anarchist comrades in the struggle.
For TransLiberation!
Free All Political Prisoners!
Love & Rage!

– Jennifer (A)

Write to Jennifer here:

Jennifer Gann
Kern Valley State Prison
Po box 5104
Delano, CA 93216

Her blogs:

Source: http://blackdiamondprisonersupport.wordpress.com

via 325.nostate.net

In greek