Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attack against Hellenic Post branch in Nea Smyrni



“Who will shatter the rock that for millennia has sat upon individual autonomy? For so long now learning to live has meant learning to die.”

How many years of commercial society? How many more of “civilised” existence? And all this for what? We take part in the most paranoid experiment of human domination. From the early stages of domestication up to economy’s invasion into life, oppression, exploitation and coercion have been the most structural components of society. The Power’s structures and logics have strived to ensure their presence over the centuries, transformed themselves, gained flexibility by stepping on human relations and finally imposed their universality through the commercialisation of existence. Non-compliance margins have narrowed. The ways of vomiting “needless waste” are being humanised. The sometimes aggressive and sometimes passive indifference of the capitalist world towards the sustainability of human or nonhuman beings, that are deemed unnecessary in various ways, is discernible at a glance, not very far away. How many bodies stacked dead or alive in seas or the coldness of gray rooms?

There are no excuses in the face of the existent; everyone sees, everyone knows. The expression of our position towards this situation takes shape through anarchist action. We’ll avoid distant and hypothetical analysis. We know that (not only in our own lives) the moments of freedom are so assimilable into the repeated everyday routine that we are unable to imagine any possible turn of events. The only sure thing is that we feel this world to be unbearably hooked in our skin, and the more we attack it, the less it leaves its marks on us.

While some were sleeping exhausted and dazzled by a three-day weekend of frenzied consumption and entertainment, some chose to swing into action. In the early hours of Tuesday March 15th 2016, we torched and destroyed a van and an ATM of the Hellenic Post (ELTA) branch in the district of Nea Smyrni, Athens. Because of the fire’s extent, the branch acquired a new facade as well.

Also this is a minimum act of complicity with incarcerated comrades that have recently faced or are once again facing the halls of judges and prosecutors. Strength to Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Revolutionary Struggle, as well as all imprisoned anarchists around the world, and everyone who in any way contribute to the intensification of anarchist war against Power.

PS. And because memory is integral to the continuation of anarchist struggle we cannot but recall the death of comrade Lambros Foundas, on March 10th 2010, after an armed clash with cops.

Until anarchy

Incendiary Disobedience Cell


In greek

