Czech Republic: 2 police cars torched in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Martin Ignačák



Communique: Police cars set on fire with solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák.

A fire of two police cars took place on 14th February 2016 right by the police office at Nad Úpadem street. The fire itself was initiated by time flammable device. The Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – Solidarity Subversion Cell, is responsible for this sabotage. The cars were set on fire in solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák. He is being held in Prague – Pankrác prison, where he is being tortured.

Martin, as a fighter against capitalism is facing attacks from those, who want to keep the continuity of capitalism exploitation. Imprisonment is one of those attacks. The other one then is refusing to give him the food he needs. Martin is vegan and he has good reasons for being so. He doesn’t want to eat bodies of unnecessarily killed animals. He also doesn’t want to eat eggs, milk and other products from which the animals suffered. Before he was taken into custody he was eating only plant based food, that means vegan food. And the prison administration doesn’t respect it. They’re refusing to give him vegan food, although vegan food is a part of the prison administration’s rules, not to mention that the other imprisoned vegans are being given vegan food with no problem at all. Martin is in no doubt being tortured, and it can lead to a very serious health problems or death.

These torturing methods that are used against Martin Ignačák are unacceptable. We don’t believe that it will help if we just ask the institutions of the state, because they’re part of the problem. So anarchists are rather choosing direct action. Solidarity expressed in subversive activity against structures, that torture our comrade and makes sure that capitalism continues. Police is a part of these structures. That’s why the sabotage was on their cars, because the cars are technologies that help with oppression.

Martin Ignačák is now waiting in prison for the official court process. A spectacle where the society will be scared away by terrorism and extremism – the words, that the state’s servants like to use when they speak about anarchism so that the substance of emancipation would be hidden from people that otherwise have a lot of reasons to rage alongside us.

The official court process will for sure be a big demonstration of power. Theater scene in which the main character will be a big monster that everyone is afraid of. This role will be played by the states and their servants. There are no doubts, that the verdict was already said a long time ago. Martin Ignačák was sentenced to die. And it’s starting off by not giving him the food he needs to survive. The Network of Revolutionary Cells will not tolerate this. Our subversion will be present as long as we don’t get what we want. In the short term horizon, we want dignity for Martin Ignačák. In the long time horizon, we want to destroy the system that makes us and Martin lose our dignity.

Solidarity with Martin Ignačák!

Solidarity with everyone who is facing oppression from the state!

Solidarity Subversion Cell / Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – 14. 2. 2016

(via 325 and revolucnibunky)

