Black Block Part 1: «Italy, Milano No Expo»


Text latina shared in the aftermath of the events of mobilizing No Expo in Milan (May 1, 2015):

Words and things

Open letter to the citizens who indignation to disasters Milan

Dear honest and democratic citizenship, these lines directly addressed to You.

To you who have been forced, dumbfounded and aganachtismenos viewer, to become a witness of pandaimoniou that swept the center of Milan fateful mayday we went.

For days and days, you and your pals journalists, police officers and politicians mostrarate through loud and powerful means your information a screed brightened with such beautiful words: “Black Bloc”, “thugs”, “vandals”, ” stupid, “” delinquents “. You spoke of “blind and nihilistic destruction.” Praised the “high professionalism of the police force.” Cried moanful for “skouantristiki” attack against your democracy, your class, your well being, your peace. Requested the “exemplary punishment” of those responsible for this “unbearable violence” …

Well. Now, if you allow us, we would like to try to tell you ours about what happened that day.

Let’s start with an assumption: we speak very different languages, dear citizen. What for you may mean one thing, for us it means something else. Words are important, because, depending on the use that makes them one, define the meanings of things. With words one can construct reality. But if true, in the words of the philosopher, that “there are no facts only interpretations” and the reality is made only from inside the perspective which arises, we are interested to know and our own view.

The words you used to describe the events that unfolded in Milan is not spit ours:

What you call it vandalism, we say social conflict.

What you call me blind and nihilistic destruction, we call it rebellion.

What we call you Black Bloc, we say the insurgents and we claim them as our companions and accomplices.

These forces of order that you say, for us it is only xylodartes, murderers, rapists and torturers in uniform.

What you call class, we say control and repression.

What you call it being, we call it exploitation, alienation and environmental destruction.

You call this democracy you, we tell the voluntary slavery.

This peace that you say, for us it is only the constant war of domination against all forms asklavotis life.

We became quite clear?

We understand how difficult it can be your ‘yes even understand what we say. We the ‘we go: our languages differ. Your own we know very well, we hear from our sun, but we unlearn. We have become barbarians. The language of the Empire frikiazei us: it is the iron with which, by always forge the chains of humanity.

We can not, nor want to be convincing for our purposes. When you want to continue to “consider obvious the TV truths” when you believe in the “economic miracle”, when you think that, despite what is happening, this is the best of all possible worlds, when you are convinced that violence is always erroneous and futile and perverse that this system can be solved by “good governance” and the reforms to it Do it.

He continued to spend your existence docile and quiet, to orthologizesai psellizontas the language of submission. He continued as Vasto to produce, to consume, to you vote until shook as honest and democratic citizen.

If you say this life, we call it survival.

As for us, we can only keep us to be what we always: the enemies of this existing. For you can us to be bullies, but let’s be honest, we know very well whose side the stand … and certainly not yours!

He and ‘happens to hear Him journalist, a famous TV show, telling emphatic tone with sullen tone that “urban guerrilla will be the future of the war in our Europe.” To know that this is our strongest feeling. If come true, are you sure you will find us on the barricades with all our rage and hatred load for this rotten world.

Enviously greetings.

Typical internal enemies