Berlin, Germany: Chaos for Meute – Demo 25.03 | 19UHR


REceived 23/03/2021 from

Chaos for Meute

We as Interkiezionale call on all solidary and freedom-loving people to bring the city into turmoil on and around March 25 against the eviction of the Kiezkneipe Meuterei.

The pub collective Meuterei has been creating a space for exchange, networking and solidarity in Reichenberger Straße for 10 years. Such places are increasingly being pushed out of this city. With the Syndikat and Liebig34, we had to say a painful goodbye to two autonomous spaces, and after the eviction attempt of Meuterei, many more attacks on left-wing projects will follow.

Yuppie stores and start-up offices are moving in where there were once places where it was not about consumption, but primarily about social exchange and collective organizing. Gentrification is slowly creeping into every corner of this city to make profit out of the last hole. The cops make sure that even every rotten owner can raise his rent and hawk living space into commodity. For this they beat us out of our stores and houses and our comrades from the streets. Neoliberalization also ensures that politics is oriented towards capital interests and obviously crawls out of and into the asses of investors. Instead of discussing and negotiating with the urban population, they send the cops to beat away annoying calls for justice and affordable rents.

When the cops „regulate“ any political struggle and take away all our places, we are left with only the street as a place of resistance. We want to take the streets for Meute and uncompromisingly show who this city belongs to.

If our protest is to be nipped in the bud, we should act from ambush. If every demo is accompanied by cops in a trellis, we should create chaos.

If there are hardly any places left that we want to and can defend, there is no reason not to attack the places that displace us every day.

Organize in your affinity groups and with your projects and come to the neighborhood on March 25th from 6am. But not only in Kreuzberg protest should become visible, but all of Berlin must get to know what we think about displacement and evictions!

In the evening there will be a powerful Interkiezionale Day X demo.

DEMO | 25.03 | 19UHR

Stay tuned, get ready.

The fight for the city from below is not over yet.

Keine Beute mit der Meute!

[Taken from].