Chile: Update on the situation of anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar


Received 30/01/2021 by

Update on the situation of anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Chile, January 2021)

The comrades are in prison since July 24, 2020 after being arrested and charged in connection with explosive attacks in July 2019 and February 2020. The initially decreed six-month investigation recently ended and as expected the prosecution will ask for the investigation to be extended at a hearing scheduled for February 11, 2021.

Both remain under a strict prison regime, Francisco in the Unidad de Máxima Seguridad of the High Security Prison and Mónica in the Módulo de Connotación Pública of San Miguel Prison. After a hard mobilisation – inside and outside the prison – demanding the return of visits for all prisoners, since mid-December Mónica and Francisco have been able to have visits, but they are still far from the dignified conditions they are trying to recover: visits have been two hours, every three weeks, and only one person had access.

The comrades remain strong, unshakable in their conviction that prison is not the end of anything, but a new trench of anarchist conflict. From this place they both continue to make a contribution to the discussion and the struggle, demonstrating that the walls that try to isolate them do not resist solidarity and complicity between anarchists.

Sedition against the police state!
Let the revolt blow up the prisons!

[Received via e-mail in spanish and translated into english by].

Note: Mónica and Francisco were arrested on July 24, 2020 during a repressive operation in Santiago de Chile. Both are accused of the double explosive attack that took place inside the Tánica building, a former Transoceánica real estate agency, in the wealthy municipality of Vitacura, on February 27, 2020, an action claimed by the Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta (Armed Affinities in Revolt). While only Francisco is accused of the shipment of two parcel bombs: the first against the 54th police station of Huchuraba, in the northern area of Santiago, which on July 25, 2019 resulted in the wounding of eight policemen; the second to the offices of Quiñenco, against former Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter, in the municipality of Las Condes, which arrived on the same date but was defused. These last actions were claimed by the Cómplices Sediciosos / Fracción por la Venganza (Seditious Accomplices / Fraction for Vengeance).