Italy: Update on Davide Delogu and transfer to Palermo prison


Received 29/03/2020

Italy: Update on Davide Delogu and transfer to Palermo prison (March 2020)

From a telephone conversation that took place today, we learn that Davide is still in solitary confinement at the Pagliarelli prison, where he was recently transferred. Currently, after the protests that occurred in conjunction with the coronavirus epidemic, there are several prisoners who are in solitary confinement. After the umpteenth transfer and attempt to isolate Davide from his affections and comrades, it is important to make our solidarity felt.

To write to him:

Davide Delogu
C. C. di Palermo Pagliarelli “Antonio Lorusso”
piazza Pietro Cerulli 1
90129 Palermo