Greece: Demonstration in solidarity with anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis


Received 03/10/2019

Greece: Demonstration in solidarity with anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis

Demonstration in solidarity with anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis.
Prison of Domokos, Sunday, October 6h, 2019, 3.30 pm.
Concentration at Athens, Polytechnic, 11.00 am.

On June 12, 2019, anarchists Giannis Dimitrakis and Kostas Sakkas were arrested, along with anarchist Dimitra Syrianou (who was subsequently released under judicial control), for an expropriation of money at the AHEPA university hospital in Thessaloniki. Initially the two comrades were imprisoned respectively in the prisons of Komotini and Nigrita Serres.

Subsequently G. Dimitrakis was transferred, vengefully, to the disciplinary section of the prison of Komotini, where he was detained in inhuman conditions, in a cell of a few square meters, without windows; with six people crammed into two double beds, so many prisoners sleeping on the floor; without even the right to go out for the daily walk. After two months, the comrade is transferred to the Domokos prison.

The choice of our comrades is part of the diversity of the struggle and the path that shapes the movement in social war. Along this road there is always the risk of being arrested, imprisoned and subjected to trial.

This is why the world of struggle and solidarity is called to support those are in prison following their choices.

No comrade remains in the hands of the State alone.
Freedom for anarchists Giannis Dimitrakis and Kostas Sakkas.
Solidaririty with Dimitra Syrianou.

Assembly in solidarity with the prisoners, the fugitives and the fighters object of the repression