Chile: Poster in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales


Mauricio Morales present

On the morning of May 22nd 2009 comrade Mauricio Morales died in action following the premature detonation of the explosive device with which he intended to attack the School of the Gendarmerie, a factory of miserable jailers.

We remember the life of Punki Mauri, the life he chose to live, his ideas and actions, the decisions that led him to take the anarchist path, with heart and conviction. From the street we try to keep anarchy alive, in every gesture of active and conflictual memory, without victimisation or docility, making act and word a dangerous element for the social order of the powerful.

Nothing is over
Everything continues

For the spreading of chaos …
Prokura ke viva la anarkía

via: insuscettibilediravvedimento
Translated by Act for freedom now!
