#NoG20 Hamburg Updates June 30: One Camp Without Sleeping Places Permitted


Published by Enough is Enough

You will find all our No G20 stories here.


Update 11:00pm Hamburg: Today is the Irie Revolte concert in the Rote Flora, inside and outside there is a huge crowd, we’re ready for NG20.


Update 08:40pm Hamburg: The adminastrative court of Hamburg confirmed the ban on 2 demonstrations on July 8th organised by ATTAC. The protest gatherings “Free trade creates refugees” and “Good life for all instead of the madness of growth” were 2 of the smaller gatherings which were planned for July 8th. Its unknown of ATTAC will appeal against the decision. The big demonstration on July 8th is allowed although there is a conflict about the place for the final closing gathering at the end of the demonstration.

Update 08:35pm Hamburg: Creative disobedience started: Drums for NoG20 protest in St. Pauli district tonight (image below).

Ban on protest camps; Places to sleep in Hamburg

The organisers of one of the protest camps asked the constitunional court to clarify their verdict on the ban of protest camps. But the constitutinal court issued a statement that the camp organisers have to let the adminstrative court of Hamburg clarify the situation. Yesterday negotiations between local authorities and the organisers ended after 5 minutesas local auhorities ignored the verdict of the constitutional court by continuing their ban on protest camps. The camp organisers insist that they have organised hundreds of alternative places to sleep already. People who need information on that or who need places to sleep can write an email to: info-g20camp@riseup.net . The organisers of the second camp in the Altona district are now allowed to buld up a camp at Volkspark. They will start building the camp tomorrow. But that doesn’t mean they will not continue the court case against local authorities; sleeping tents, kitchen tents and toilets are still banned, which is totally unacceptable. Even Amnesty International challenges Hamburg police protest bans and critize the restrictions on human rights.

Concerts and banners

More and more banners are popping up across Hamburg. This one (image below) is hanging in the Schanze district, saying “You are G20, we are 7 billion!”. Tonight there will be a concert of Iries Revoltes in front of the Rote Flora at Schulterblatt. The concert will start at 08:00pm. The concert might make the cops very nervous, in case something will happen we will update this page.

Solidarity actions in Athens, Greece during NoG20

Anarchist poster (image below) in Athens for the G20 summit calls for actions against the Greek state and solidarity with events in Hamburg. Gatorna.Info translated the text from Greek into English:

Poster put up in several neighborhoods in Athens, Greece, a week before the demonstrations in Hamburg for “welcoming” the G20.

Regarding the G20 summit in Hamburg

Poster put up in several neighborhoods in Athens, Greece, a week before the demonstrations in Hamburg for “welcoming” the G20.

In the period 6-8 July, the leaders of the 19 wealthiest countries of the world and the EU will meet in Hamburg, Germany to plan the medium term extension of the capitalist exploitation of the planet. During the same days, thousands of activists will demonstrate in the German city against economy’s dictatorship, state repression, surveillance and control.

This confrontation with the G20 summit in Germany constitutes another important ring in the long chain of obstruction of these international summits. Beyond these international summits, it is important to reinvent ways of resistance and rupture with the regime, in the geographical places we actually live in. We have to overthrow the feeling of vanity and defeatism that has dominated social consciousness. We have to attack the Greek state and the narratives that describe it as the proxy of international institutions, while the Greek state constitutes another important actor of the international hegemonic block. We have to bring back in the social domain the ideas and the practices of collective action, solidarity amongst the exploited and the confrontation with the state of exception that expands.

Solidarity with all those who will join the demonstrations and riots in Hamburg.

Continuous fight in the place where we live against state and capitalist barbarism.

For Anarchy…



Know Your Enemy, #NoG20 Edition – Protest Policing in Germany

The G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany is approaching fast. Tens of thousands of activists are mobilising to protest the event, including many who will come to Germany from abroad. It’s safe to say that all of our actions, no matter which approach we choose to protest or disrupt the summit, will have to deal with police presence at some point. To people who have little or no experience with major protest events in Germany, it is important to know that German tactics of protest policing differ noticeably from those found in other western countries such as France, Italy, Denmark or Great Britain.

What is this article about?

This text is about the equipment and tactics used by German police forces when dealing with protests and/or riots. It also dives a bit into the organisational structure of police in Germany and its history, though we’ll try not to bore you too much with that. We also want to provide some ideas on countermeasures you and your affinity group can take, as well as provide a brief overview of the most important legal topics in regards to demonstrations.

Continue reading: Know Your Enemy, #NoG20 Edition – Protest Policing in Germany

Image below: Poster for a bus from Basque country to Hamburg