Brazil: Message from Biblioteca Kaos squat


Greetings comrades and friends…

First of all, we are well…

The day of the eviction came and went, and now that the dust has settled, we want to send greetings to all the compas who were with us and who are part of the Kaos and with whom we will continue walking together.

We also want to share the gestures of solidarity that helped to strengthen us during these times. (See photos) Our anarchic comradeship is being built with these actions, these affinities, and with this being together despite the distances, languages and borders.

Soon we will explain what happened during our ‘farewell’ to our space and invite you all to our next activity.

With space or without a space, we continue struggling!

anarchic Biblioteca Kaos

August 5, 2016.

(via Biblioteca Kaos)
