USA: Salute to anarchist fighter Jordan MacTaggart from NYC anarchists

[su_heading]When anarchism was born, it was born as a borderless struggle and as a struggle for a free world. From its inception as a political theory its proponents moved across territories to engage in the struggle, connected with comrades, and fought alongside those who struggled for liberation as virulently as they did.

In New York we struggle on the backs of giants, yet still for a hundred years, against a massive state that never stopped its colonial, imperial incursions. Rojava has pried open the hegemonic monster of the state and illuminated the possibility of liberation in the struggle of anarchists worldwide; not just anarchists but all those who feel the inescapable draw of a free life.[/su_heading] [su_youtube url=””[/su_youtube] [su_box title=”Anarchists of New York”]We are here to say goodbye to Jordan MacTaggart (also known as Ciwan Firat). He was an american anarchist and YPG fighter who gave his life for the liberation of Manbij: a key point in the struggle for Rojava and a city under the oppressive rule of Daesh.

We salute you as a comrade who deeply knew the struggle we face here. We salute you for recognizing the importance of Rojava in our international struggle and for making the ultimate sacrifice to help keep the revolutionary struggle alive.

We will never forget that when you lay on that field injured, you asked those of us who remain to keep the revolution going. For the sacrifice you have made we deepen our commitments to the struggle here, to fighting for the revolution in Rojava, and to acting on all fronts of this battle with the dedication you have set.

Biji Ciwan Firat
Biji Rojava
Long live the anarchist fighters
Long live the revolution

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