Rest In Power anarchist comrade Michael Israel, killed fighting ‘Islamic State’ fascists in Rojava




Anarchist comrade and member of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) Michael Israel from the US has been killed in action fighting alongside YPG / YPJ forces against ‘Islamic State’ fascists in Rojava, Northern Syria. Full details of the circumstances surrounding the comrades death have not been released yet.

Here is part of a message Michael posted to his Facebook page on August 11, 2016:

Hey everyone,

I am back in Rojava again and will be here for the next several months to do my part in defending the revolution.

The Rojava struggle is the most dynamic and ground breaking revolutionary movement of our time. I am determined that it is the job of leftist allies and internationalists to rally behind this movement, to help build it up and learn from it. Things that we may have only dreamed of in theoretical writing are acted upon in Rojava, modified and adapted to their struggle and made real. Rojava is doing this all and reorganizing society despite the chaos and destruction of 5 years of civil war. The gains of the revolution under such austere and harsh conditions is truly remarkable.

Now that I am back in Rojava, I know all my needs will be met. Here I will never be in want of basic necessities for lack of money. I, like all others in Rojava, will never go without food and water, clothing or a place to rest my head at night. The movement takes care of people here.

That is not to say though that Rojava and the rest of Syria do not need help though.

I’m calling on all of my friends and comrades to learn about the Rojava revolution and how they have been leading the charge in the war against ISIS fascists. I’m calling on all of you who are able, to do your part in helping or sending donations so that this revolution may become stronger with the aid of the international community.

