Italy: Bomb against neo-fascist bookshop, a bomb disposal cop wounded and anarchist places raided


We learn from the national media of the explosion of a bomb in front of a neo-fascist bookshop in Florence and of an unspecified number of raids in homes and places of anarchist comrades. A police bomb disposal expert was wounded during the operation to defuse the device connected to a timer: the explosion led to injury of a hand and an eye [previously the media reported the amputation of the hand and loss of the eye].

In the hours following searches were conducted in the area of anarchist circles in Florence and Tuscany; at the moment there is no more information about the places affected, while reports say they have not found anything. The bomb had been discovered by a patrol of the Digos in the town involved in monitoring the bookshop near to Casapound, identified as a sensitive objective and already attacked in the past. The prosecutor is investigating for attempted murder.

Further updates coming soon.

(via Informa-azione, translated by Act For Freedom Now!)
