Greece, CCF: For Sebastian-from the refusal of work… to the rebuff of the authority.


(Greece) CCF: For Sebastian-from the refusal of work…to the rebuff of the authority.

[Text for a gathering in memory of Sebastian Oversluij that took place in an anarchist squat in Chile]

The real death is the forgetfulness.

On the 11th of December 2013 a robbery took place on a bank at the district of Pudahuel.when the anarchist Sebastian Oversluij walked in the bank announcing the robbery, he received the bullets from the armed guard-keeper of the bank-defender of the wealthy and authoritarian. Sebastian fell down dead after he emptied his machine gun…

But every day there are deaths without deads. Deaths that they are repeated every day…because of the mornings alarm clock so you won’t be late at work, because of the sad routes between the lonely crowd that goes to offices, factories, stores, because of the boss’s yells who wants more from you and faster, because of the mechanical movements during the work that kills the creativity, because of the feigned politeness, because of the abaser salary as a recompense for the life that they have stolen from you.

A life that is measured based on money.

When we rob a bank, we don’t steal the money, we take back the life that they have steal from us.

But a robbery can be an addict job also. A job like every one’s else, with the only difference that the “salary” isn’t sure and in case of industrial accident jail or death waits you. Often the robbers are not different from the salaried workers, they only work less in condition of high risk. But they share the same cast of mind. The one of a consumer who deify the money, who admires the power of riches and his car, his clothes, his watch are the prolongation of himself.

Sebastian Oversluij was not a robber. He was an anarchist. He refuse to be a slave on the boss’s blocks. He was a disclaimer of work because he refuse the morality of working, the morality of a slave who thinks like a consumer. A robbery by itself isn’t a revolutionary action. But it is a mean of the anarchist fight so we take back from the bosses the stolen time and organise it aggressively against them, planing anarchists actions, helping comrades in captivity, strengthening publishing ventures and creating armed infrastructure of attack against the dominion.

We belong at the generation that Sebastian belong. A generation that gap no age no nationality. At the generation of the inpatients the incompromisers and the dreamers.

We don’t need for heroes, we want comrades who set fires with their ideas.

When we keep alive in our memory Sebastian and all the comrades who fell on the battlefield, we keep the struggle alive. A fight against the dominion and we know that the jail or death are often the cost. But as one’s said “five free birds started the journey to the south.only one arrived, but what their journey for certain wanted to say, it was that it worthed for trying to fly…”

Polidoros Giorgios
Tsakalos Christos
Tsacalos Gerasimos
Iconomidu Olga

via SinBanderas Ni Fronteras