Buenos Aires, Argentina: Action outside the Chilean Embassy in solidarity with anarchist compañerxs Nataly, Juan & Enrique


On May 19, several compañerxs met up and decided to go to the Chilean Embassy located in the affluent neighborhood of Recoleta in the city of Buenos Aires.

We shouted slogans in solidarity with the prisoners Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores and Enrique Guzman; A banner was displayed, leaflets were distributed and the street in front of the embassy was blocked right before the eyes of the security guards, staff and diplomats.

We then hung the banner on the bridge located opposite the Law Faculty.

Here is the text of the leaflet we distributed:

No trial or conviction can stop our passion for freedom.

At this moment and over the next few months, a trial is taking place in the territory dominated by the Chilean State against our compas in praxis Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzman. They are accused of carrying out several incendiary attacks against police buildings, a subway car and a shopping center.

From within their pathetic minds the prosecutors are demanding many years for them, demonstrating once more how both the judges and the prosecutors play with the lives of our compañerxs. Choosing how they have to live, how they have to act and every step they take inside the prison walls.

With these small ‘answers’ of complicity we seek to expand solidarity beyond all of the condemnations and all borders, since we despise all types of flags and patriotic belonging.

Down with prisons, down with laws!
Long live anarchy!

We also do not want to let pass that at this time of year we always remember our compañerx Mauricio Morales. No compañerx ever dies, so long as their ideas and praxis become part of our daily lives.

Solidarity and action

Some anarchists in solidarity

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News)

via insurrectionnewsworldwide.com